4 Signs You May Need Dental Implants

Do you have dentures but are sick of dealing with messy denture adhesives? Do you have a broken or cracked tooth that is causing your significant pain? Dental implants could be the answer!

Dental implants are metal posts or frames surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums. Once in place, it enables your dentist to mount replacement teeth onto them.

At Royal Park Dental, our professional dentistry team have extensive experience dealing with dental implants and can help you find an ideal solution. We understand that the thought of dental implants can be daunting. With our team’s friendly demeanour and gentle approach to dentistry, we will always ensure that your comfort comes first.

If you feel like you may be in need of a dental implant, keep reading to identify some of the revealing signs that may make you the perfect candidate:

Cracked or Broken Teeth

If you have a cracked, broken or irreparable tooth that restorative dentistry techniques cannot repair, a dental crown or dental implant is your next option. Our gentle and thorough dentistry team will evaluate your teeth, determining the overall health and identify any problem areas.

Once our professional dentists have decided that a dental implant is the best way to replace the broken tooth we will work with you to develop an appropriate solution. There is no need to worry; your dental implant will look and function just like any natural tooth would.

Missing Teeth

When it comes to having missing teeth, it’s completely understandable that people want to find a solution as fast as possible. Dental implants are a realistic-looking way to fill in the gaps, providing you with the ultimate confidence and a stunning smile.

Our friendly team of dentists will work with you to create a dental implant solution that will look as realistic as your natural teeth. The dental implant will fit in the gap once occupied by your natural tooth, blending in seamlessly with your natural smile!

Loose-Fitting Dentures

Dental implants are a sensible solution for those that are sick of dealing with dentures that don’t fit quite right. No longer will you have to lose sleep over your dentures becoming loose throughout the day or falling out during talking or eating.

Your Teeth Aren’t Functioning Properly

Over time your teeth can change. Issues such as teeth grinding or bite issues can become evident.

However, if you notice over time that something isn’t quite right with your teeth, be sure to give our team a call. A dental implant may not be the first course of action, but it is essential to seek help if you have a severely painful tooth. Our team will then be able to asses and create a plan of action that is best suited to your needs.

If you’re looking for a friendly, gentle and thorough professional Adelaide dentistry team, you can’t go past the service offered at Royal Park Dental. Call to make an appointment today!