Things You Must Know About Dental X-Rays

If you’re a person cares about dental health and who frequents a dentist somewhat regularly then the chances are you’ve experienced a dental X-ray. The professional team at Royal Park Dental use this fantastic tool to examine and diagnose problems that occur below the visible surface of your gums.

It’s possible that you have wondered how safe they are with repeat exposures and precisely what they are. The dentists at Royal Park Dental want you to feel at ease, so we have provided you with some information to help you.

What is a dental X-ray?

Dental X-rays present as two-dimensional images that illuminate the bones and tooth anatomy that appears beneath the surface of your enamel and gums. The two types of dental X-rays are digital and film.

Digital X-rays are the only X-ray we use at Royal Park Dental as they emit 80 per cent less radiation than their film counterparts. Conveniently, they are also quicker to process and more accessible to archive.

The two methods of obtaining these X-rays by our dentists are intraoral, meaning inside the mouth, and extraoral X-rays, which are around the jaw area outside of the mouth. Intraoral X-rays display smaller details and identify more clearly the support structures, which is of great importance for our dentists. Extra-oral X-rays focus on the broader structural base of your jaw bones and head.

When do I need an X-ray?

At Royal Park Dental our dentists endeavour to use X-rays sparingly to limit our Patients’ time exposed to radiation. However, while X-rays do emit radiation, it is a meagre amount and can be compared to the amount of radiation you absorb during a short trip on an aeroplane.

The dentists at Royal Park Dental will usually need to repeat X-rays with you every 24 to 36 months if you are in good oral health to make sure nothing of significance has changed since your last scan. However, each dentist operates on a case by case basis, and our trained dentists may request to do more, if there is cause for concern.

What can happen without dental X-rays?

The dental X-rays that the dentists at Royal Park Dental use are vital in discovering tooth decay and root rot. We need to locate these issues as soon as possible for our dentists to offer the best possible treatment and offer prevention options.

Problems that our dentists from Royal Park can’t see with their naked eye can be some of the most threatening to your overall health.

It is necessary for our dentists to take these X-rays otherwise your oral health could deteriorate significantly. Talk to your dentist today if you want to learn more about dental X-rays.

If you haven’t had an X-ray for a while, come down and see the friendly team at Royal Park and we’ll be happy to help you!